In the city of Cincinnati, Ohio exists an extraordinarily kind and compassionate leader.  His name is Vernon Jackson and he is the owner of Noble Barber and Beauty.  He is also very skilled and has unique gift for connecting with children who require special accommodations.

Recently, Jackson and his client Ellison Eubanks were profiled on the February 8, 2023 Good Morning America.  Their feature shown above.  As you will see in the video, Ellison is 7-years-old and has Down’s Syndrome.  This has traditionally made getting a haircut a challenge because of sensory issues.

But that has all changed.  Check out the following tweet:

By using a game called Stop and Go created by Vernon, Ellison not only enjoys getting a haircut, he actually looks forward to it.

Ellison’s mother Julie said, “We’re (usually) on display in the middle of the salon.  And it’s nice that we have a place to go now where we’re not judged, everyone’s comfortable.  I think that Vernon has a cool energy.  He was welcoming to him and treated him like a human being, like any other client, and worked with him and followed his lead.  And I think that means a lot to any person.  And Ellison appreciated that and in-turn felt super-comfortable with him.”

From Julie’s comments we learn 7 qualities of a kind and compassionate leader.  First is the lesson followed by Julie’s supporting comments:

  1. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Not Judgmental – “it’s nice that we have a place to go now where we’re not judged”
  2. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Make Everyone Comfortable – “everyone’s comfortable.”
  3. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Bring A Certain Energy – “Vernon has a cool energy.”
  4. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Welcoming – “He was welcoming to him.”
  5. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Treat People Like Human Beings – “treated him like a human being.”
  6. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Not Rigid – They follow the lead of others.  He said, “worked with him and followed his lead.”
  7. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are In Turn Treated With Kindness And Compassion – “I think that means a lot to any person.  And Ellison appreciated that and in-turn felt super-comfortable with him.”

Jackson adds, “What I try to do is make sure I talk to the child as a client and not, to the parent.  And typically, I lead the parents to be like to the side if I’m allowed to…. I have that time with the child to build our own connection and work through this process together.  I know what it feels like to be insecure.  I know what it feels like to not be accepted.  I know what it feels like to be looked over and looked past.  I know all those things.”

To add to Julie’s list, the following are 5 additional qualities of a kind and compassionate leader followed by Jacskon’s supporting comments:

  1. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Speak Respectfully To Others – “What I try to do is make sure I talk to the child as a client.”
  2. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Build Connections With People – “I have that time with the child to build our own connection.”
  3. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Helps Others Work Through Issues – “work through this process together.”
  4. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Creative – Jackson came up with a creative method to help Ellison work through the process.  He came up with a game called Stop and Go.  This put Ellison at ease and made the haircut not only a pleasurable experience, but a memorable one as well.  He said, “Let him do his thing.  I will stop and go as many times as necessary to make sure he had a great experience in the chair and we get through it.”
  5. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Have Empathy For Others – “I know what it feels like to be insecure.  I know what it feels like to not be accepted.  I know what it feels like to be looked over and looked past.  I know all those things.”

Julie concludes by saying, “I hope people can see that just everybody is unique in their own way and everyone wants to be included.  It’s just having that safe space to bring my son to just get a haircut like anybody else needs to get and it’s not an ordeal; and it’s not a traumatic event.  And the fact that it’s not costing me anything is a bonus.  Like I would pay whatever I needed to pay to make sure my son got the same experience.”

The following are 4 concluding qualities of a kind and compassionate leader followed by Julie’s supporting comments:

  1. Kind And Compassionate Leaders See Everyone’s Uniqueness – “I hope people can see that just everybody is unique in their own way.”
  2. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Inclusive – “everyone wants to be included.”
  3. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Create Safe Places – “It’s just having that safe space to bring my son to just get a haircut like anybody else needs to get and it’s not an ordeal; and it’s not a traumatic event.”
  4. Kind And Compassionate Leaders Are Extraordinarily Generous – Jackson created the Gifted Event which donates haircuts to children who require special accommodations.  Julie graciously said, “And the fact that it’s not costing me anything is a bonus.  Like I would pay whatever I needed to pay to make sure my son got the same experience.”  She added, “I was not expecting it.  He’s never done that before and I was trying really hard not to crack up.”

That list of 16 qualities is quite impressive.  In terms of kindness and compassion, how well do you stack up?  What is one area you can work to make an immediate improvement in this area?

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!




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