The Top 30 Pastors And Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter in 2023 & 9 More Most Read Leadership Posts Of February ’23

I want to begin this post by telling you the readers “Thank You”.  February was another incredible month for site but because of your faithful support, my fourth book Mighty: 7 Things You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress was made available for pre-order.  Because of your support, it made the Amazon #1 New Best Seller for Church Leadership.   Thank you!  The book officially releases on March 21st.

Here is a synopsis:  Production. Passion. Resilience. Teamwork. Contentment. Courage. Faith.

These seven skills were embodied over three thousand years ago by a group of elite warriors known as David’s Mighty Men. These highly-capable individuals helped take David, the man who had previously defeated Goliath, from a wilderness experience to leading a nation. Did 2020 feel like a wilderness experience for you? So many people lost loved ones, opportunities, financial resources, careers, time, and much, much more during COVID. The worst thing many people lost was hope. COVID stripped away the non-essentials in our lives. I want you to know the same skills used by David’s’ Mighty Men still work today. In my new book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress, I show you how applying these skills can help you become Mighty and move from the Pandemic to Progress.

Trust me, if you enjoy this site, you will love the book.  Click HERE or on the image provided to order copies for your entire team.

The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts Of February 2023

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts Of February 2023 as determined by you the readers:

  1. The Top 30 Pastors And Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter in 2023
  2. 5 Things Aging Leaders Must Do To Evolve And Remain Relevant
  3. 10 Quotes on Leadership and Faith from Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts
  4. 42 Quotes from John Maxwell on his new book The 16 Laws Of Communication
  5. 7 Things (All Leaders Should Know) That The Kansas City Chiefs Did At Halftime of Super Bowl LVII
  6. The Unfortunate Results of The Iceberg Of Ignorance
  7. 15 New Business Books Leaders Should Be Reading
  8. The One Thing You Can Do Which Will Make You Truly Indispensable To Your Team Or Organization
  9. 16 Qualities Of A Kind And Compassionate Leader
  10. 14 Facts About How Your Private Life Determines Your Public Success

Hidden Gems

The following are 8 Hidden Gems which did not make the Top 10.  I hope you enjoy them the second time around.

Once again, my latest book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress is available for purchase.  Production. Passion. Resilience. Teamwork. Contentment. Courage. Faith. These seven skills were embodied over three thousand years ago by a group of elite warriors known as David’s Mighty Men. These highly-capable individuals helped take David, the man who had previously defeated Goliath, from a wilderness experience to leading a nation. Did 2020 feel like a wilderness experience for you? So many people lost loved ones, opportunities, financial resources, careers, time, and much, much more during COVID. The worst thing many people lost was hope. COVID stripped away the non-essentials in our lives. It revealed how foolish pride, ego, and narcissism are. It made us question almost everything in our lives, including God himself. COVID brought us all to our knees in one form or fashion. I want you to know the same skills used by David’s’ Mighty Men still work today. In my new book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress, I show you how applying these skills can help you become Mighty and move from the Pandemic to Progress.  Click HERE or on the image provided to order!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.