9 Lessons From The Oklahoma Sooners Historic Softball Team On Where True Joy Comes From In The Lives Of Leaders

A Historic Championship Team

The greatest team currently in the world in team sports is not the Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Nuggets, Houston Astros, Vegas Golden Knights, or Manchester City.  It is the Oklahoma Sooners softball team.  If you don’t believe me or think this sounds hyperbolic, read the list of accomplishments from Hall of Fame head coach Patty Gasso’s squad:

  • 3-time defending national champions
  • 61-1 record
  • 53-game winning streak
  • five championships in seven years
  • they scored more than 1,500 runs than their opponents (Yes, you read that right! 1,500!!!)

This team was historically dominant.  But what defines this Sooners championship squad is not what they have accomplished on the field.  This team is not driven by outcomes but something much, much larger.  Watch the post-game news conference below to discover their secret of success.

The Only Lasting Joy Comes From The Lord, Not Outcomes

As you saw and heard in the video above, shortstop and team captain Grace Lyons was asked about how she keeps her joy when anxiety could easily set in.  The following was her response:

“The only way you can have a joy that doesn’t fade away is from the Lord and any other type of joy is actually happiness that comes from circumstances and outcomes… Joy from the Lord is the only thing that can keep you motivated, in a good mindset, no matter the outcomes.  Thankfully we’ve had a lot of success this year but if it was the other way around, joy from the Lord is the only that can keep you embracing those memories, moments, friendships…  That’s really the only answer to that because there’s no other way that softball can bring you that because of how much failure comes in it and just how a rollercoaster the game can be.”

True Joy Makes Teams Stronger

Big-12 Player of the Year outfielder Jayda Coleman spoke next.  Below were her thoughts:

“I went through that my freshman year.. We won the College World Series but I didn’t feel joy.  I didn’t know what to do the next day.  I didn’t know what to do that following week.  I didn’t feel filled and I had to find Christ… I think that is what makes our team so strong is that we’re not afraid to lose because it’s not the end of the world if we do lose.  Yes, we worked our butts off to be here and we want to win but it’s not the end of the world because our life is in Christ and that’s what matters.”

Utility player Alyssa Brito was the third speaker in the press conference.  Jason Romano and the team at Sports Spectrum provided and extended version of her response which everyone should listen to.

Athletics Is An Opportunity To Glorify God

“We’re like fixing our eyes on Christ and that’s something like we were saying, you can’t find a fulfillment in an outcome whether it’s good or bad.  I think that’s why we’re so steady in what we do in our love for each other and our love for the game because we know the scheme is giving us the opportunity to glorify God.  Once we figured that out and that was our purpose and everyone was all-in with that, it’s really changed so much for us.”

Jesus Allows You To Play For Something Bigger Than Trophies And Championships

“I’ve seen such a growth in myself.  Once I turned to Jesus and realized how He had changed my outlook on life, not just softball but understanding how much I have to live for and that’s living to exemplify the Kingdom.  And I think that brings so much freedom.  I’m sure everyone’s story is similar but we all have those great testimonies showing how awesome it is to play for something bigger.  I think that’s what brings me so much joy.  No matter the outcome, whether we get a trophy in the end or not, this isn’t our home and that’s what’s so amazing about it.”

True Joy Is A Reminder That This World Is Not Our Home

“We have so much more.  We have an eternity of joy with our Father and I’m so excited about that.  Yes, I live in the moment but I know this isn’t my home.  No matter what, my sisters in Christ will be with me in the end when we’re with our King.”

True Joy Allows You To Embrace Pressure And Love Big Moments

Head Coach Patty Gasso concluded the interview segment shown above with the following words:

“They’re unapologetic in how they feel and what they believe and that makes my job easier because I’m with them in that.  We’re not looking at what could happen or all the pressure.  There is pressure but these guys have embraced it.  They love it.  They love the big moments because the big moments they’ll never forget.”

Finally, Lyons filmed a video reading a peronal letter to the game softball.  Her words are profound and have deep meaning for all leaders and athletes.

Our Identity Is In Whose We Are (Jesus) And Not What We Do

“My identity was tied so tightly to a game that almost leads to failure almost all the time.  Then, I met Jesus.  I learned that I have a loving father who died for my sins and has a plan for my life, a plan to give me a hope and a future.  My perspective changed when I realized you (softball) was something I did, not who I was.  Jesus tells me who I am and I wanted to bring this light into the softball world and play the game differently.”

Our Real Victory Has Already Been Won

“The real victory has already been won on the cross, Jesus dying for my sin and saving me.  Because of this I have an eternal hope that allows me to play the game free with fullness of joy that comes only from the Lord… This joy doesn’t come after big wins, home runs, championships, etc because all of those things will fade away.  I am filled with the steadfast joy when I see one of my teammates decide to get baptized and become a sister in Christ.  I will never forget worshipping with my teammates, singing the song Nobody in center field after winning the second national championship.  God is so awesome!”

True Joy Comes From Knowing Jesus

“My prayer when I started college was I could be a vessel that the Lord uses in His Kingdom to bring others to know Him.  As I leave college softball, I pray others can know how loved they are by the Creator of the world and Jesus can use you in mighty ways.  You just need to be willing and obedient.”

After watching the videos above, one question stands out.  If you want to know true joy in your life, are you willing to be obedient and give your life to Jesus Christ and follow Him?  

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.