On October 9, 2023, Dorothy Hoffner died at the age of 104.  What was so extraordinary about her was not just the length of her life, but also passion in which she lived it.  Dorothy truly believed age was just a number.

The week prior to her passing away, Dorothy set the Guinness Book of World Records for the oldest person ever to participate in a skydive.  Check out the video below and then I will give four life-changing lessons all leaders can learn from this extraordinary woman.

Personal Growth Allows You To Extraordinary Experiences

Forrest Gump famously said, “Been there.  Done that.”  While humorous and memorable, it is a poor approach to life.  Dorothy reminds us that leaders should always be going there and doing that.  They should be attempting new things, learning new concepts, and having new experiences.

Dorothy was quoted in the October 11, 2023 edition of Morning Brew, “It was wonderful up there.  The whole thing was delightful, wonderful, couldn’t have been better.”

As John Maxwell says, “Personal growth is the only guarantee you have that tomorrow will be better than today.”  Dorothy would have agreed with him.

Activity Is Only Beneficial When It Results In Accomplishment

Skydive Chicago, who coordinated Dorothy’s tandem jump, released the following statement, “Skydiving is an activity that many of us safely tucked away in our bucket lists.”

Many people reading this article have things tucked away in our bucket lists as well.  We have good intentions.  Many people would like to do something memorable in the future.  We would like to take that vacation of a lifetime or write a book.  However, a large number of people have been unable to turn these good intentions into actual accomplishment.

Dorothy reminds us that creating a bucket list is not enough.  To receive its benefits, you must turn activity into accomplishment.

It Is Never Too Late To Do Something Memorable With Your Life

Skydive Chicago’s statement also noted, “But Dorothy reminds us that it’s never too late to take the thrill of a lifetime.”

If Dorothy can skydive at 104-years-old, what excuse do you and I have to not chase our dreams or take a risk?

I just finished reading Bob Whitsitt’s excellent book Game Changer: An Insider’s Story of the Sonics’ Resurgence, the Trail Blazers’ Turnaround, and the Deal that Saved the Seahawks.  In addition to being a very successful executive and leading three professional franchises across two sports, Whitsitt did something completely unexpected and extraordinary at the ripe age of 61.

Though he was financially secure and retired from professional sports, Whitsitt made the decision to attend law school and pass the Bar Exam.  He wrote on page 206, “I’m a big believer in lifelong learning and venturing outside your comfort zone – which is why I enrolled in law school at age 61.”  This leads to my next point.

Personal Growth Makes You In-Demand Regardless Of Your Age

Because of how Dorothy lived her life, she has been featured in countless media outlets.  People wanted to hear her story.

Similarly, Whitsitt wrote on pages 212-213, “The fact that I had gone to law school in my 60s that became a deciding factor when I got hired to the board of Diamond Sports Group, which runs Bally Sports… It was my late-in-life law school experience that convinced them I still had a fire in my belly as well as the energy and enthusiasm to work long hours when needed.”

Wisdom + Experience + Energy + Continual Learning = Someone In High Demand


Do you think your best days are behind you?  Have you said, “I’m too old to do that.”  Are you done dreaming?

If so, let Dorothy Hoffner remind you that you’re never too old to something memorable and have your dreams come true.  Go do some things on your bucket list!

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!

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