8 Characteristics Of A Winning Culture

“Culture can be defined in eleven words – This is who we are and this is what we do.” – Seth Godin 

The fundamental role of a leader is to cultivate a winning culture.  Success hinges on the ability to institute a comprehensive code of conduct and behavior that resonates throughout the organization.  A prime example of such leadership is Arsenal’s manager, Mikel Arteta.

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Arteta is one of my favorite leaders because of the type of culture he has built with such a young team.  Therefore, I could not wait to purchase Charles Watts’s new book Revolution: The Rise Of Arteta’s Arsenal to gain insights into exactly how he did so.

Beginning with his initial press conference with the club, Arteta wasted no time establishing his expectations for the players, coaches, trainers, equipment staff, executives, and anyone else associated with the program.  The following words are recorded from his initial address on page 41:

“Everybody has to respect each other, first of all.  I want people who are accountable for what I’m asking them to do.  I don’t want them hiding.  I want people to take responsibility for their jobs, and I want people who deliver passion and energy in the football club.  Anyone who doesn’t buy into this, or that has a negative effect, is not good enough for this environment.”

Arteta continued, “We have to build a culture that has to sustain the rest.  If you don’t have the right culture, in the difficult moments, the tree is going to shake, so my job is to convince everybody that this is how we are going to live now, and if you are going to be part of this organization it has to be in these terms and in this way.”

Mikel Arteta’s words are a masterclass on culture building and give the following eight lessons on building a winning culture:

A Winning Culture Is A Picture Of The Leader

Every culture is the length and shadow of a single individual, its leader.  In his opening five sentences, Arteta used the phrase “I want” on four separate occasions and “I want” once.  Expectations were immediately established.

A Winning Culture Is Built On Respect

The first expectation was Arsenal would have a culture of respect.  Arteta said “Everybody has to respect each other, first of all.”  There would be admiration and appreciation for the contributions each person made toward the team’s success.

Embedded in this thought is a healthy view of failure.  There is freedom to fail as long as learning and growth come from it.

For a deeper dive on Arsenal’s culture of respect, click HERE and read the section From Mikel Arteta We Learn Failure Teaches Us The Importance Of Showing Compassion

There Is Transparency And Accountability In Winning Cultures

Accountability is a hallmark of all winning cultures.  People must take responsibility for their level of performance.  Arteta made note, “I want people who are accountable for what I’m asking them to do.  I don’t want them hiding.  I want people to take responsibility for their jobs.”

No one is able to hide at Arsenal.  There is great transparency.

Winning Cultures Are Defined By Passion And High Energy

A person who has passion is someone who owns the result.  He or she has a “not on my watch” type of mentality.  Their purpose for being matters.

Passionate people almost always has high energy as well.  They bring the best versions of themselves each and every day.  There is a bounce in their steps and they have contagious personalities.  Passionate people are those who can’t wait to get out of bed and come to work.

Passion and high energy are attractive qualities to have.  These would be the type of people who would define Arsenal football under Arteta’s leadership.  He said, “I want people who deliver passion and energy in the football club.”

For a deeper dive on this subject, read 6 Benefits High-Energy People Bring To Your Organization.

You Must Raise The Standard To Have A Winning Culture

Successful leaders always raise the standard, they never lower it.  The bar is constantly high in winning cultures.  Unfortunately, not everyone has the skill set and mentality to succeed in these environments.

Arteta shockingly said, “Anyone who doesn’t buy into this, or that has a negative effect, is not good enough for this environment.”

In our politically correct world, Arteta acknowledged that some people will simply not be good enough to play for Arsenal.  That’s raising the bar.  That’s what happens at winning cultures.

Winning Cultures Sustain Your Organization During Difficult Times

During challenging seasons, your financial resources, talent, network, and experience may not be able to sustain you and your organization.  It is your culture which will do so.  It is during these seasons of limitations and doubt when your culture serves as a North Star reminding you, “This is who we are and this is what we do.”

Circumstances do not determine behavior in winning cultures, culture does.

Arteta acknowledged, “We have to build a culture that has to sustain the rest.  If you don’t have the right culture, in the difficult moments, the tree is going to shake,

Winning Cultures Define Behavior

Arteta drew a line in the sand by proclaiming, “This is how we are going to live now.”  Once again, “This is who we are and this is what we do.”  Arteta’s culture is one of shared responsibility.

He also established himself as the picture and keeper of the culture.  As a leader, you must do the same.

Winning Cultures Filter Out Non-Winning Individuals

Take it or leave it.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way.  It’s the culture’s way or the highway.

Arteta drew a line in the sand and concluded, “If you are going to be part of this organization it has to be in these terms and in this way.”

Winning cultures filter out those individuals who are unwilling to participate in the established behaviors needed to succeed.


If you want to know more about creating a winning culture in your organization, make sure you purchase a copy of Revolution: The Rise Of Arteta’s Arsenal  by clicking HERE or on the image below.  It will make an incredible resource or Christmas gift for you or the leaders in your life.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.