I am currently reading Steven Bartlett’s new book The Diary Of A CEO: The 33 Laws Of Business And Life.  It is outstanding and one of the best leadership books I have read in some time.

Bartlett is an entrepreneur, speaker, investor, and host of the incredibly popular The Diary Of A CEO podcast.  He has been named one of Forbe’s 30 Under 30.  From countless conversations with some of the world’s most successful leaders, scientific research, and his own leadership experience, Bartlett has chronicled his life’s lessons in this new book.

I can’t recommend enough you purchase The Diary Of A CEO: The 33 Laws Of Business And Life.  Click HERE or on the image provided to learn more and purchase.  #CommissionsEarned

The following are Bartlett’s 33 Laws.  If some of these seem counter-intuitive, I understand but purchase the book which unpacks each of these in greater detail.

  1. Fill your five buckets in the right order
  2. To master it, you must create an obligation to teach it
  3. You must never disagree
  4. You do not get to choose what you believe
  5. You must lean in to bizarre behavior
  6. Ask, don’t tell – the question/behavior effect
  7. Never compromise your self-story
  8. Never fight a bad habit
  9. Always prioritize your first foundation
  10. Useless absurdity will define you more than useful practicalities
  11. Avoid wallpaper at all costs
  12. You must piss people off
  13. Shoot your psychological moonshots first
  14. Friction can create value
  15. The frame matters more than the picture
  16. Use Goldilocks to your advantage
  17. Let them try and they will buy
  18. Fight for the first five seconds
  19. You must sweat the small stuff
  20. A small miss now creates a big miss later
  21. You must out-fail the competition
  22. You must become a Plan-A thinker
  23. Don’t be an ostrich
  24. You must make pressure your privilege
  25. The power of negative manifestation
  26. Your skills are worthless, but your context is valuable
  27. The discipline equation: death, time and discipline!
  28. Ask who not how
  29. Create a cult mentality
  30. The three bars for building great teams
  31. Leverage the power of progress
  32. You must be an inconsistent leader
  33. Learning never ends

Trust me, all of these make sense when you read the book and will add great value to your leadership.

Once again, click HERE or on the image below to learn more.

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