In the August 25th edition of the daily enewsletter Morning Brew, an interesting story from China is told about the subject of self-discipline.

The Story Of the Spider and the Firefly

The country’s spiders have become quite manipulative.  Spiders are capturing fireflies in their webs.  This is normative behavior for the nocturnal insects, but what happens next is not.  The spiders, named Araneus ventricosus, have figured out how make the captured fireflies flash in a manner similar to the mating flashes of female fireflies.  You can guess what happens next!

Numerous male fireflies lose their minds and come flying straight into the spider’s web without a second thought, ensuring their own destruction.  In essence, the canary is flying straight to the cat.

Likewise, I have personally known countless leaders in my life who have sadly plunged straight into their own destruction due to a lack of self-discipline,.

The Definition of Self-Discipline

This story of the Spider and the Firefly reminded me of legendary former Alabama head football coach Nick Saban.  He said in this interview, “Discipline defined as do what you’re supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it, the way it’s supposed to get done.  Do the right thing, the right way, the right time, all the time.”

Coach Saban then goes on to add, “But I’m talking about self-discipline.  We answer hundreds of questions every day that come down to these two things:

  1. Here’s something I know I’m supposed to do that I really don’t want to do.  Can you make yourself do it?
  2. And then over here, there’s something you know you’re not supposed to do, but you want to do it.  Can you keep yourself from it?”

Coach Saban concludes, “If you can make those choices and decisions the right way, you’re always going to be able to stay on the path to accomplish the goals.  But we’re talking about feeling versus choice.  You’re going to do what you feel like doing.  (Or) Are you going to choose to do the things you need to do to be successful?  And there’s a difference in that.”

8 Lessons On Self-Discipline

From Coach Saban’s comments, we learn the following 10 lessons on self-discipline:

  1. There is a difference between Discipline and Self-Discipline.
  2. Self-discipline requires you first knowing what you are supposed to do and not do.
  3. Self-discipline is a decision.
  4. Self-discipline is not a feeling.
  5. Self-discipline requires you to say, “No!”
  6. Self-discipline determines your path in life.
  7. Self-discipline helps you accomplish goals.
  8. Self-discipline is a choice.


If I can summarize Coach Saban’s word – Choosing Self-Discipline > Choosing Your Feelings.  Which one do you choose today?

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These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned

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