So Close But Yet So Far and 9 Other Things I’m Learning

Are you a continual learner?  The world of leadership contains dozens of catch phrases.  Here a just a few of my favorites:

  • The toughest person to lead is yourself.
  • A man cannot help another without also helping himself.
  • If a lady has to tell you she is a lady, she most likely is not.  If a leader has to tell you they are the leader, they most likely are not.

Another one of my favorite sayings is leaders are learners.  The following are ten things I am currently learning:

  1. So Close but Yet So Far.  As I grow closer to God, the more I realize the great distance between He and I.  Jesus is holy, blameless, and perfect.  I certainly am not.  I am so grateful He was willing to bridge that distance.
  2. The Potential of the Next Generation.  I have been in several environments recently in which the largest portion of the audience were college students.  Watching their character and potential excites me about the future.
  3. My Potential For Damage.  The older I get the more I realize how quickly I can bring chaos to order.  I bet many of you can relate to this.
  4. Compromise is Over-Rated.  If you continually compromise, eventually someone will grow extremely frustrated because they never got their way.
  5. Relational People Are Highly Successful.  The ability to network, enjoy people, and have people enjoy being with you is what I see currently most expanding a person’s influence.  “He is so relational” is what people formerly called “charisma”.
  6. To Most, The Only Thing That Matters Is Winning.  University of Georgia head coach Mark Richt is under major fire for a 1-4 start.  This is sad because you could not find a better role model for young men in college sports.
  7.  The Value Of Family Time.   I just flat out not only love, but enjoy being with my family.  
  8. Preserving the Relationship Is More Important Than Being Right.  The holidays are coming.  Need I say more?
  9. Money Has Limitations.  Money can buy a house but not a home.  Money can buy books but not smarts.  Money can buy pleasure but not joy.  Money can force people to follow you but it can’t force people to respect you.  Money can improve looks but not beauty.  Make your own list.
  10. Why We Become Homesick For Heaven.  This life is often wonderful and more blessed than we can ever imagine or hope for.  Therefore, this is not a suicidal statement but life is tough.  That is why you often hear the words “That’s life.”  It is the trials of this life that God uses to naturally move us toward a longing for our true home which is Heaven.  This is as natural a part of the aging process as wrinkles, the loss of hearing, and gray hair.

Well, at this stage of my life, these are some of the things I’m learning.  Tell me what you have recently learned.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.