Live Blog – 20 Leadership Quotes From Simon Sinek And Joel Mamby From Orange 2020 Conference

Over the next two days I will be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to provide live-blogging the ReThink Leadership and Orange Conference.  This is one of my go-to events each year.  Led by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof, I feel this annual event provides the greatest amount of informative and relevant leadership content available.  This year is proving to be no different even though it is an online experience.

As part of these posts, I want to make you aware of an incredible offer from  We know pastors are needing to communicate in new and fresh ways to fund their ministries during COVID-19.  As a result, online offerings are a challenge for many leaders.  MinistryDeal is offering 52 giving talks for only $47!!!  That’s right, less than $1 per talk.  If these done-for-you talks help you get just one gift over the next year, it pays for itself.  Plus, think how much stress is relieved and how many man-hours you will save by not having to generate this content.  There is no better ROI.  Simply click HERE or on the image provided to purchase.  You will also get three FREE bonus items.

The session’s next speakers were Simon Sinek and Joel Mamby.  Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. His goal is to help build a world of people who wake up every single day feeling inspired, feel safe at work, and feel fulfilled by the end of the day. Simon is leading a movement that empowers people to do the things that inspire them. He is the author of multiple best selling books, including Start with Why, Leaders Eat Last, Find Your Why, and his new book The Infinite Game.

Joel Mamby is the founder and CEO of Love Works, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to helping companies implement a culture of love in their organizations. Previously, he was the President and CEO of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, and the President and CEO of Herschend Enterprises, an entertainment company with brands such as the Harlem Globetrotters and Dollywood. Joel spent 20 years in the auto industry in general management and marketing roles. He is the author of Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles for Effective Leaders.

The following are 20 Leadership Quotes from their wonderful sessions:

Simon Sinek

  1. These times are not unprecedented. Organizations face change all the time.  The internet changed everything.
  2. This is more sudden than we’re used to and that’s shocking.
  3. The learning curve is steep.
  4. The standards for quality are much lower now…. People are really patient right now with things put together by duct tape.
  5. Crisis is a great revealer of people. Crisis is a great revealer of inner-strength.
  6. We think our political views are important. They’re not.
  7. Crisis forces us to get out of the weeds.
  8. Where are the leaders promising unity and hope and bridging divides.
  9. This is a time to embrace vulnerability.
  10. None of us can do this alone…. You have no choice but to say to the people you work with, “I can’t do this without you.”
  11. You cannot win in a game that has no finish line.
  12. What we’re going through right now is not finite. It’s just part of the journey.

Joel Mamby

  1. Love really does work as a leadership principle.
  2. Culture is not a big focus area of most churches.
  3. Without culture we don’t keep the best people. And it’s more important in churches.
  4. The level of enthusiasm of your church experience will never rise above the level of enthusiasm of your staff and key volunteers.
  5. Teaching the words of love can create a great culture.
  6. We define our values but often fail to put processes behind them. That is why culture fails.
  7. We must get five times the positives for every negative or we’ll only hear the negative.
  8. My own weakness is being brutally honest with people.

What an incredible way to start Day 2!  ReThink Leadership now begins!!!  Keep checking back throughout the day as more content will be coming from their incredible collection of speakers.

Once again, don’t forget to purchase your giving talks.  This resource will save you time and stress.  It will also help you exponentially increase your weekly giving.  Click HERE or on the image provided to purchase!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.