
In an effort to add maximum value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend The Most Excellent Way To Lead Conference at NewSpring Church.  I will be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the conference designed to challenge and equip pastors and church leaders to take their leadership to a higher level.

NewSpring Church’s Executive Pastor of Ministries Brad Cooper was the afternoon’s first speaker.  Brad spoke on an interesting topic – The Growth Dilemma.

Before getting to Brad’s comments, I want to invite you to a FREE, LIVE webinar I will be conducting on March 30th entitled “10 Keys To A Successful Fall Capital Campaign.”  If your church needs to raise funds this fall, click HERE.  It would be an honor to personally invest in you and your leadership.  Now, onto Brad’s thoughts.

The following are 24 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Brad Cooper’s session at The Most Excellent Way To Lead Conference:

  1. The one thing I possess on this ticket none of the others have is I’ve worked under Perry Noble for 10 years.
  2. You’ve got to care about growth.
  3. In the marketplace, growth looks like the bottom line.
  4. Growth is not something we get a choice on. It you are not in growth mode, you’re in disobedience mode.
  5. The Growth Dilemma – When opportunities for growth outpace leadership capital.
  6. There three two outcomes to The Growth Dilemma – Fall, Stall, Or Accelerate
  7. An undisciplined pursuit of more. – Jim Collins
  8. The fall of Rome was The Growth Dilemma.
  9. Many churches wind up stalling because they don’t have the leaders in place.
  10. At NewSpring we need more leaders.
  11. I think one of the reasons kids develop so fast is they are OK with asking questions and aren’t insecure about it.
  12. Two postures for asking question – You can be a critical thinker or you have a critical spirit. Critical thinkers need to come forward. A critical spirit needs to be rooted out.
  13. Brad Cooper is not the student pastor at NewSpring Church. Perry Noble is. I’m just asked to steward it.
  14. Leadership means you go first.
  15. Leadership is like a rope. You don’t have a rope to push but to pull people along.
  16. Jesus led with some incredible questions.
  17. The greatest leaders of tomorrow are the greatest askers of questions today.
  18. The greatest builder of leaders tomorrow are the ones asking others the greatest questions today.

Questions To Accelerate Your Leadership Growth

  1. Ask 360, “Is there any area of my life or leadership you’d like to speak into?”
  2. Ask 360, “If you had my job what’s the first change you would make?”
  3. Ask 360, “What’s it like to be on the other side of me.”

Questions To Help Accelerate Other’s Leadership Growth

  1. Ask them, “What would you attempt for God if you know you could not fail?”
  2. Ask them, “What would a great leader do in this situation?”
  3. Ask them, “What’s the greatest challenge you are currently facing? How can I help?”

Brad was phenomenal!  Next up will be Steven Furtick, Lead Pastor of Elevation Church.

10 Keys to a Successful Fall Campaign (1)

As a reminder, if your church needs to raise capital this fall, click HERE or on the image provided to sign up for my March 30th FREE, LIVE webinar entitled 10 Keys To A Successful Fall Capital Campaign.  It would be an honor to serve you and your church.

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