19 Characteristics of Bad Folks Pastors and Church Leaders Need To Be Aware Of

Senior Pastor Crawford Loritts of Fellowship Bible Church is currently putting on a masterclass of expository preaching through the book of 2 Timothy.  In fact, I previously wrote about one of his messages in the post 3 Things A Leader Cannot Be Successful Or Even Survive Without.

On Sunday, January 31st, Crawford preached a message from 2 Timothy 3:1-5 entitled “Don’t Be Surprised.”  To frame Paul’s message to Timothy in these verses, he said, “Part of a parent’s job is to raise their children not to be naive.”  That is what Paul is doing during this text.  He does not want Timothy to be caught off-guard.  Paul is warning him (and us today) about false teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and just plain bad actors invading our churches.

No message could be more timely.  This is a must-watch series for all pastors and church leaders.  You can do so by clicking HERE.

The following are 19 Characteristics of Bad Folks Pastors and Church Leaders Need To Be Aware Of as identified in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.  All quotes are from Crawford.

  1. Lovers of Self – “The other 18 extend from this… Narcissistic.  They love themselves more than anything else.. When self becomes the center of your life more than God, everything else goes astray… You’re the thesis of every conversation.”
  2. Lovers of Money – “They’re addicted to the power of materialism… They will worship resources.”
  3. Proud – “They will be puffed up.”
  4. Arrogant – “This is the outward manifestation of pride.  It is a pompous posture.”
  5. Abusive – “The word means to blaspheme.  It is the mistreatment and total disregard for the well-being of others.  People will intentionally misuse others.”
  6. Disobedient to Parents – “This is the disregard of the institutions God has established.  God has established three institutions – the church, the government, and the family…  It is a core expression of a disregard for authority.”
  7. Ungrateful – “There must be a bit of humility to have gratitude.. entitled.”
  8. Unholy – “Purity is unimportant.  Morality is a moving target… They are branded by impurity.”
  9. Heartless – “Cold, uncaring.  The inability to empathize.  Their tear ducts are dried up… Some of us have more compassion for our issues than the people who are hurt.”
  10. Unappeasable – “They are unwilling to be reconciled with others.  You can’t pursue authentic resolution to a problem without humility… They’re stubborn.”
  11. Slanderous – “Christians are being sucked into this on social media.  You make false statements with the intent of damaging someone’s reputation.”
  12. Without Self-Control – “Boundaries are non-existent… There is no restraint.”
  13. Brutal – “This is the opposite of civilized.  Vicious.  Animalistic in your behavior… You don’t just correct an issue, you go after the individual.”
  14. Not Loving Good – “They have no moral compass, no shame about them.  No objectivity.  They lack wholesomeness.”
  15. Treacherous – “They are disposed to betrayal… Relationships are utilitarian.”
  16. Reckless – “Impulsive behavior.”
  17. Swollen With Conceit – “They are filled with exaggerated self-importance.”
  18. Lovers of Pleasure rather than Lovers of God – “Pleasure is the love of their life.  Narcissism flushes nobility out of your system because there’s no higher purpose than you.”
  19. Appearance of Godliness but Denying Its Power – “Hypocrisy will be on steroids… There is no substance to their image.”

Pastors and church leaders, do you know anyone who matches these descriptions?  If so, be aware and do not be surprised.  Paul warned Timothy of these type of people and God is warning us still today.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.