Spring Break Issues

Miami Beach’s spring break activities have become unmanageable and completely disruptive to the local population.  However, according to this article, the solution to the chaos has competing viewpoints and is definitely up for discussion.  There is one thing which everyone can agree upon – things need to change so that the community, visitors, and local businesses can have a profitable and safe experience.

One statement which caught my attention was Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner saying, “The status quo and what we’ve seen in the last few years is just not acceptable, not tolerable.”

I do not know Mayor Meiner or of his work but I do know that statement was made by a leader.  Leaders are always changing the status quo.  They are disrupters and constantly breaking new ground and moving organizations forward.

Steve Jobs Returns

One of the most famous examples of leaders shaking up the status quo was when Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997.  At the time, Apple was near bankruptcy, had declining market share, internal squabbles, a bloated product line, and lacked a proper vision for the future.

Jobs immediately streamlined the company’s product line and introduced the iMac in 1998.  Soon afterwards, the iPod, iPhone, and iPad all followed.  The rest is economic and cultural history.

4 Difficult Lessons

What we learn from Miami Beach’s spring break and Steve Jobs’s Apple return (how often have you heard those two phrases written in the same sentence) about leadership are the following:

  1. Leaders who change the status quo must be able to properly evaluate current reality.  In 1997, Apple was in trouble.  Currently, Miami Beach’s spring break activities are on the verge of tipping into social chaos if actions are not taken.  Both are/were hard for some to admit.
  2. Leaders who change the status quo must then be willing to make hard, and often unpopular, decisions.  Because of his strong beliefs, Jobs never lacked for courage as a leader.  Likewise, despite resistance from some community leaders, Mayor Meiner and others appear to be willing to make the courageous decisions needed for the betterment of their community as well.
  3. Leaders who change the status quo must be willing to let go of things.  Jobs let go of non-profitable product lines, some of which mattered deeply to key stakeholders in the organization.  Similarly, Miami Beach officials must be willing to give up some economic income for the greater good of their community.
  4. Leaders who change the status quo must have a compelling vision for the future.  Shaking up the status quo means you must have something better to offer.  Jobs eventually had a revolutionary product line in mind when he streamlined everything in 1997.  Miami Beach officials are considering a music festival rather than the raucous spring break activities currently in place.


If you want to be a disruptive leader who makes a better future for those you are called to serve, you must be willing to properly evaluate reality, then make hard choices and let things go.  This is only done by leaders with a compelling vision for the future.

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!

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