6 Habits of Servant Leaders

On Sunday, October 27th during the Irish Life Dublin Marathon, actor Colin Farrell performed an extraordinary act of generosity. Per this NBCNews.com article and the video above, he pushed his friend Emma Fogarty the final four kilometers (2.5 miles) of the race in a wheelchair.

Fogarty suffers from an incurable genetic condition called epidermolysis bullosa (EB). EB is when a person lacks the needed proteins to bind the layers of their skin together. As a result, the slightest tension on the skin can cause painful blisters or even tears.

At 40 years old, Emma, who was born with no skin on her left foot and right arm, is the longest surviving person born with this condition. However, the majority of her body must still be wrapped in bandages to protect her.

In an effort to raise money for DEBRA, a charity supporting those with EB, Farrell wanted to push Emma a kilometer for each decade of her life.

The following are six habits of servant leaders we learn from Colin Farrell during this year’s Irish Life Dublin Marathon:

1. Servant Leaders Must Be Willing To Pay A Higher Price Than Others Are Willing To Pay

Colin Farrell’s choice to push Emma for the final 2.5 miles of a grueling marathon wasn’t just an impressive physical feat. It was a demonstration that true leaders serve others, even when it’s hard. In leadership, people don’t follow titles or skills; they follow action. They are inspired by those who genuinely put others before themselves.

2. Empathy Inspires Action

Farrell’s involvement was motivated by compassion for a friend and a deep commitment to a cause. Leaders who empathize with the struggles of others often go the extra mile (or, in this case, 2.5 miles) to help. Leadership is often about connection. When leaders act from a place of empathy, it sparks genuine engagement and drives meaningful change.

3. Servant Leaders Leverage Their Influence For Good

Farrell didn’t have to participate in this marathon or bring awareness to DEBRA, a charity that helps those with a rare and painful genetic condition. But he did, using his public platform to create a greater impact. As leaders, your influence can be a powerful tool for change. Are you using your voice to lift up causes and people that matter, or are you reserving your influence only for personal gain?

4. Servant Leaders Finish What They Start

Even if he was tired, even if it was tough, Farrell finished strong by supporting Emma through the finish line. This is a wonderful picture because servant leaders ensure their people cross the finish line as well. No one is left behind.

5. Servant Leaders Are Inclusive And Invite Others Into The Process

The marathon wasn’t just an individual endeavor; it was a collective experience that inspired thousands of onlookers and brought people together. Leadership is about walking alongside your people, sharing their struggles and triumphs.

6. Servant Leaders Leave A Legacy Of Generosity

Lastly, Farrell’s act will be remembered not just because of the effort involved but the reasons behind it. Leaders build lasting legacies not by how much they achieve, but by how generously they give. Are your actions today leaving a legacy of compassion and impact?


Colin Farrell’s selflessness during the marathon serves as a vivid reminder: servants leaders pay a price others are unwilling to pay, show empathy, leverage their platforms for good, finish strong, invite others into the process, and leave a legacy of generosity. His actions exemplify the essence of servant leadership, and that’s a powerful legacy worth striving for.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.