Today I will be providing a series of posts from my annual visit to Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference in Woodstock, GA.  This year’s theme is Game Plan.  Over 4,000 men will be live in attendance with another 25,000 attending via simulcast around the world.

Pastor Johnny closed the conference with an incredible lesson.  The following are 45 leadership quotes and lessons from his challenging and convicting message on bitterness, what one values:

  1. If there is anything about me you don’t like, don’t worry about it. God will take care of it when I get to Heaven.
  2. There is some things in your life which are legitimate but they weigh you down.
  3. Why are we so easy? Why do we give in so easily?
  4. There’s nothing so dirty He can’t make worthy. – Natalie Grant
  5. The word “lest” is only used in the Bible when attached to a warning.
  6. Bitterness always causes trouble.
  7. It must be really cool to make the Bible unless you made the Bible like Esau.
  8. Bitterness builds its case.
  9. Bitterness is a mighty thin pancake with one side. – Adrian Rogers
  10. Bitterness blinds possibilities.
  11. Salvation is not how bad you were. It’s He’s a good, good father.
  12. Bitterness blocks spiritual growth.
  13. Bitterness binds joy, peace and love.
  14. We think we can hate compartmentally.
  15. If you hate your wife’s daddy it will affect your ability to love his daughter.
  16. There is never a time I’m not in need of grace.
  17. I need Jesus as much after being in the journey 46 years as I did when I started.
  18. How do people who don’t live devotionally make it?Who says they’re making it.
  19. By the grace of God we will get weary of the work but hopefully we won’t get weary in it.
  20. When I understand vengeance belongs to Him, victory is mine.
  21. The Christian never has the luxury of being unkind.
  22. When you don’t say anything, it doesn’t give you anything to repent of. It also gives you a clear conscience which is a soft pillow.
  23. If it isn’t in your well, it won’t come up in your bucket.
  24. You can’t produce self-control. Self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
  25. May all who come behind me find me faithful.
  26. You might be saved but not consistent.
  27. Bad examples become stumbling blocks.
  28. Nothing means more than Lordship, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  29. The most significant decision I ever made in my life was when I turned from Jesus Christ and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
  30. I don’t have a greater investment in my life the last 25 years than the commitment I give to the Kingdom.
  31. If you want to know how much a man loves Jesus and His Kingdom, look at his checkbook. It’s easy to give Jesus credit.  It’s harder to give Him cash.
  32. The night I got saved, two significant things happened. God became my father.  You became my family.
  33. I love my church and the church is the Body of Christ.
  34. Somebody says, “Our church has changed.” Well, what happened to you?  You can see the church by looking in the mirror.
  35. There are weirdos in every church. And if you don’t know any weirdos in your church….
  36. Holiness is the fruit of salvation, not the means of salvation.
  37. Wanted it be a tragedy to come to the end of your life, and look back at many missed opportunities in your life?
  38. There is a difference in finishing a race and completing the race.
  39. That’s where most people in the church are, the sidelines.
  40. Satan wants to hinder us in our effectiveness.Some say Satan’s desire is to render you ineffective.  Is he winning?  60% of our church will not be here tomorrow.  70% will not give.
  41. If you don’t deal with the root of bitterness, later you will have to deal with the fruit of bitterness.
  42. Bitterness is used 196 times in the Bible.
  43. An immoral person has no commitment to purity.
  44. You die the way you live.
  45. Bitterness poisons your whole system.

This was a life-changing event!  I can’t wait until next year’s event.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

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